Editorial (Summer 2016)

Editorial: Summer 2016
Shira Lipkin

Thank you for joining us for Liminality’s eighth issue. We continue to be so glad that we get to bring you wonderful poems at the turning of every season.

When Mattie and I started Liminality, it was not specifically A Queer Magazine. But by virtue of us both being queer and gender fluid, publicly so, and soliciting works from people all over the QUILTBAG spectrum (as well as poets from around the world, poets with disabilities, poets of color, and more), it became pretty queer from the get-go.

The thing about queer people and other marginalized people is that we make communities. Everywhere we go, we find people like us. We find our brothers and sisters and nonbinary siblings. We hold each other close. We fight side by side with each other.

We dance with each other.

It’s usually both of us collaborating on our editorials, but this one is just Shira. Because I’m from Florida. Because a homophobe walked into a gay bar in my home state, two nights ago as I write this, and murdered 49 members of our queer extended family, and wounded 53 more. They came together to dance that night. They came together in queer safe space – a space that was violated.

There are no words yet. There’s just us, sitting in our grief. But we could not let it pass unspoken.

This issue is dedicated to the victims of the mass shooting at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando. May their memories be for a blessing.