Editorial (Spring 2016)

Happy spring!

We’d like to begin by congratulating our Rhysling nominees: Ruth Jenkins for “Drowned City“,  Lynette Mejía for “Changeling“, Lev Mirov for “An Unexpected Guest“, A.J. Odasso for “Bone-House“, and Naru Dames Sundar for “Origami Crane/Light-Defying Spaceship“! With five nominees, Liminality had the second-most nominees, second only to the venerable Strange Horizons. In only our first full year of operation. Needless to say, we’re thrilled.

This spring, we appear to be shedding our skin. Issues take on a shape of their own, and this issue is one of loss, transitions, and a walk through a haunted house. Walk with us.

Shedding winter coats,

Shira and Mattie

We have no animal mascot this issue! If you’re interested in having your pet as the mascot for our summer issue, inquire within!


Mat Joiner’s poems and short stories have appeared in the likes of Strange Horizons, Goblin Fruit, Stone Telling, and Not One Of Us. Their poem “And Deeper Than Did Ever Plummet Sound” won the 2014 Dwarf Stars Award. They love ghosts, Green Men, and old books, and think “canalpunk” should be a subgenre. They never owned cats, but have a fox running around their head. They live in Birmingham, England.

Shira Lipkin is a writer, poet, and editor in Boston; in their spare time, they volunteer with the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center. Their poetry and short fiction have appeared in Strange Horizons, Stone Telling, Clockwork Phoenix 4, Interfictions 2, and other marvelous places; their poem “The Library, After” won the 2012 Rhysling Award. They attend a lot of burlesque shows, but that’s not where the glitter comes from. Their cat is bigger than their dog.