David Wojnarowicz vs. Entropy

David Wojnarowicz vs. Entropy – Jim Stewart

But this means

we grow farther apart

just   sitting here.

So you’d think   going  back

in time   we must have been  together.

  But   space

was so   hot   then

  enough   to fuse new elements.

   The alien head    for example

  represents        the foreigner

    the outsider.     Keep rewinding

  the engineer would say     til   it’s

      close     enough     as

  no difference.     But       that    

won’t            tell  us     how it was

           at the start.

  They say     you can tell            where

      the parts   fit together     but i

                 never saw it.         Don’t think

                               cause          I’m soft

    as an unspooled cassette         i don’t

        feel it        a common


   Christ        on a stick.             The ants      stand

                                        for the imperative         of nature.

                        Think about it             a wonder

we stay in one piece.

Another room

        was orchids.              Bright erections      

     end soonest.               She says

                       you just                     know

    where the spaces are.

      Is that how                          the universe does it?

               You can                  see                        the gaps

from back then

                 the wall of light                between a past

     hopelessly          lost                                    and the end

of                 our eyes’                                                     reach.

                 If that map                           is written

                                on my head

          my                          23 chromosomes

when it all



               just                                 a few degrees


                     absolute nothing

                       how                                       will you know


                   happened                                                      ever?




Jim Stewart is a former Albuquerque Poetry Slam champion and graduate of Clarion West. He co-edited and designed Saint Elizabeth Street magazine and hinenimagazine.com. He has been published in In Company, New Mexico Poets after 1970, Revival: Spoken Work from Lollapalooza 94, Apex Digest, and Perihelion. He teaches programming and formal logic in New York.