Of Iliaster

Of Iliaster
Karolina Fedyk & Elzbieta Glowacka

(Text for screenreaders:
We coveted the sublime, but all we had was flesh —
raw, needy: I heard the echo of your blood,
tasted your quicksilver kisses, iron on your fingers, you
melting into my mouth, the blazing colour of your soul

This old fear that never leaves your eyes,
you gave it a new voice and a face:
Insignificant, you whispered, star dust, a speckle on time’s breath,
berating yourself for all you couldn’t know
in awe for a world too vast to be held, too bright,
burning your eyes, so bright that you didn’t see
when we became what you wanted: pure gold)

Karolina Fedyk: a wearer of many hats, of which the academic and the writerly are their favorites. They like learning new languages, coffee, and owls. They can be found tweeting as @karigrafia.

Elzbieta Glowacka: Illustrator, artisan and game designer under the guise of landscape architect. Travels further and further North while hoarding yarn and sipping tea.