Issue #7 – Spring 2016


(“Ivy and Door”, by Denis McLaughlin)

Liminality: A Magazine of Speculative Poetry
Issue #7
Spring 2016

Editorial – Shira Lipkin and Mattie Joiner

The Lies You Learned” –  S. Qiouyi Lu

Elegy for the Hulk”  – Nicasio Reed

For ours is the glory” – Hester J. Rook

Ecdysis” –  Margarita Tenser

bedtime story, age 96” – Nolan Liebert

Rat-Infested Ship Off the Coast of Britain” – Chloe N. Clark

The Art of the Blood Sacrifice”  –  Margaret Wack

Sketches”  –  Tiffany Grayson

Faith”  –  Alex Harper

(House)”  – Aaron Boothby

The Wheredrobe”  –  John W. Sexton

inventory: the ghosts in the bedroom”  – Joyce Chong

Lepidopteramancer”  –  Joshua Gage